Jeremy Adler
A (ABC) : An Envelope Magazine of Visual Poetry. Issue 3
The Poetry Society, London, 1973
51 loose sheets in original envelope
edition of 200 - Nicholas Zurbrugg, Betty Radin, Ruth Rehfeldt, Bill Bissett, Maurizio Nannucci, bpNichol, Paul Dutton, Jackson Mac Low, Lawrence Upton, Sylvia Finzi, Tamaki Kitamaya, Gayle Anderson, Dom Silvester Houédard, Sean O’Huigin, Bob Cobbing, P. C. Fencott, Clemente Padín, G. J. de Rook, Paula Claire, Jennifer Pike, a.o.
1970-79 , magazine
Jeremy Adler
A (ABC) : An Envelope Magazine of Visual Poetry. Issue 3
The Poetry Society, London, 1973
51 loose sheets in original envelope
edition of 200 - Nicholas Zurbrugg, Betty Radin, Ruth Rehfeldt, Bill Bissett, Maurizio Nannucci, bpNichol, Paul Dutton, Jackson Mac Low, Lawrence Upton, Sylvia Finzi, Tamaki Kitamaya, Gayle Anderson, Dom Silvester Houédard, Sean O’Huigin, Bob Cobbing, P. C. Fencott, Clemente Padín, G. J. de Rook, Paula Claire, Jennifer Pike, a.o.
1970-79 , magazine
Concrete Poetry : An Exhibition in Four Parts
Alvin Balkind
The Fine Arts Gallery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 1969 ⁄ 3 color folders with folding posters + 25 loose sheets in 3 panel cardboard folder ⁄ - ⁄ Ray Johnson, Michael Morris, Stephen Bann, Carlo Belloli, Klaus Burkhardt, Henri Chopin, Hans Clavin, Bob Cobbing, Paul De Vree, Ian Hamilton Finlay, John Furnival, Pierre Garnier, Eugen Gomringer, Dom Silvester Houédard, Allan Kaprow, D. A. Levy, Hansjörg Mayer, Franz Mon, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Yoko Ono, Diter Rot, Gerhard Rühm, Victor Vasarely, Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Emmett Williams, a.o.
Van Kunstenaarsboeken tot Postkunst / From Bookworks to Mailworks
Ulises Carrión
Alkmaar Municipal Museum, 1978 ⁄ staple-bound ⁄ Regina Silveria, Donald Burgy, Henryk Gajewski, J.H. Kocman, Ulises Carrión, Thomas Ockerse, Roy Grayson, Clemente Padín, Richard Kostelanetz, Henry Korn, Robert J. Lambert
Experiments in Prose
Eugene Wildman
Swallow Press, Chicago, 1969 ⁄ hardcover ⁄ - ⁄ Bruce Kaplan, Jochen Gerz, John Mattingly, Charles Doria, AN Peri, Herb Dupre, Jean-François Bory, John Matthias, Shouri Ramanujan, Alain Arias-Misson, Ronald Tavel, Eugene Wildman, William Hunt, Josef Vojáček, Odessa Burns, Richard Kostelanetz, Steven Katz, Richard Astle, Emily Leider, Tristes Delarue, Robin Magowan, Eden Wildblum, Julien Blaine
small press scene / documents of alternatives in the press
Maurizio Nannucci
Edizion Zona, Florence, 1976 ⁄ staple-bound ⁄ edition of 500 ⁄ - ⁄ a / ace space / after hand / agentzia / ah / air mail / aloes books / amenophis / amodulo / ana excetera / and / ant ed / ant farm / antipiugiù / apeiros / approches / aq / archigram / arc publications / artist press / art language / art net / art rite / asa / assembling press / azimuth / banana productions / bardo matrix / beau geste press / blocknoot / bo heem e um / catalist / cave / cisoria arte / clipkit / comunicazione / continuum / coum / da au delà / da vinci / de collage / der löwe / de tafelronde / dharma / documento sud / dreamweapon press / ear magazine / ecart publications / edges / ediciones mimbre / edition appa appa / edition et / edition galerie press / edizioni geiger / edition page / edition rot / el lagrimal trifurca / endlich was neues / errata / eter / eugen gomringer press / everyman / ex / exempla / exit news / expanded media editions / experimental art publisher / ex/press / fandangos / file / fix / flux fest information / futura / fylkingen records / ganglia press / giorno poetry system / gong / great bear pamphlet / guy schraenen & axe / harck / her(m)etic press / hexagono 71 / focke editions / iac publications / impulse / integration / interfunktionen / internationale situationniste / invencaõ / journeyman press / king kong international / klacto 23 / klepht / kontexts / kroklok / kwy / labris / la honduras / la mamelle / le daily bul / les lettres / l'humiditè / lilliput / linea sud / link / lotta poetica / magazine document / maro verlag / und / mark space / material / mec / mediacontact / media news / mildura arts centre / mix magazine / montagna rossa / ne coupez pas / neue texte / nitrous oxide / north / nul / oho / omnibus press / openings press / orgon / osiris / ou cinquieme saison / out loud / ovum / pages / parachute / perdura publications / pferscha / platform magazine / poetry information / ponto / pro / quaderno / queen street magazine / reflection press / review for everything / robho / rok / running dog press / schede / schema informazione / schritte/fietkau verlag / second aeon publications / sema / signal / silence / situacion / sonda / sotto voce / source / spanner / specimen / st. spusa / stereo headphone / strange faeces / subvers / supervision / tam tam / tarasque press / tau/ma / techne / television / text / the fox / the magazine / the new art examiner / the poor old tired horse / the wild hawthorn / tlaloc / tokyo publications / tool / tout / typewriter / ulcus molle info dienst / umdruck / unmuzzled ox / vargen / vers univers / vigo ediciones / vile / visual dialogue / vou / wam / wow / writers forum / wspolczesna / zaj / znamenja / Zona / 317 / 8x10 / 0 to 9 / blew ointment / digte for en daler / culture hero / extra / frankenstein / image nation / impressions / intermedia / is / kunstshoff / left curve / le petit colosse de simi / lisn / margins / mother / only paper today / praxis / prospects / snore / s.p.a. / the femminist art journal / typos verlag / tracks