- Joseph Kosuth
- Art As Idea As Idea 1967-1968
- Paul Maenz, Brussels, 1973
- softcover
1970-79, catalog
- Joseph Kosuth
- Art As Idea As Idea 1967-1968
- Paul Maenz, Brussels, 1973
- softcover
1970-79, catalog
- TriQuarterly 32. Anti-Object Art.
- Charles Newman
Triquarterly, New Jersey,1975 ⁄ cardboard cover with the pocket with the five photos ⁄ - ⁄ Vito Acconci, Hans Haacke, Joseph Beuys, Christo, Agnes Denes, Ira Joel Haber, Lawrence Weiner, Marjorie Strider, Douglas Huebler, Gregg Powell, Brenda Miller, John Baldessari, Gilbert & George, LeAnnn Bartok Wilchusky, Richard Serra, Will Insley, Phil Berkman, Michael Crane, Michael Kirby, Spephen Zaima, Eleanor Antin, Jan Sullivan, Nancy Holt, Adrian Piper, Robert Barry, Richard Long, Sol LeWitt, Robert Smithson, Joseph Kosuth, Alice Aycock, A. Ribé, Daniel Buren, Rafael Ferrer, Scott Burton, and Les Levine
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- Paul Maenz Jahresbericht 1971
- Paul Maenz
Paul Maenz, Koeln, 1971 ⁄ softcover ⁄ David Askevold, Robert Barry, Mark Boyle, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Hans Haacke, Giulio Paolini, Peter Roehr, Ulrich Rückriem, Salvo, Marthe Wéry
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- Software: information technology: its new meaning for art
- Jack Burnham
Jewish Museum, New York, 1970 ⁄ staple-bound ⁄ Vito Acconci, David Antin, Architecture Group Machine M.I.T., John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Linda Berris, Donald Burgy, Paul Conly, Agnes Denes, Robert Duncan Enzmann, Carl Fernbach-Flarsheim, John Godyear, Hans Haacke, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Nam June Paik, Alex Razdow, Sonia Sheridan, Evander D. Schley, Theodosius Victoria, Lawrence Weiner
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- May – 12 Postkarten
- Hans-Peter Feldmann, Paul Maenz
Hans-Peter Feldmann, 1974 ⁄ postcard
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