Subvers No. 1: tijdschrift voor [onder meer] konkrete pöezie
Hans Clavin
The Subvers Press, 1970 ⁄ softcover ⁄ edition 500
Jonier Marín
MAC/USP, São Paulo, 1977 ⁄ small matchbox with 17 images of mail art projects by 17 different artists ⁄ Itamar Martínez, Jean Kuhl, Hervé Fischer, Alain Snyers, Oscar Caraballo, Fred Forest, Antonio Ferro, Clemente Padín, Mukata Takamura, Edgardo Antonio Vigo, Romano Peli, Rachid Koraichi, Untel Group, Jonier Marin, Klaus Groh, Eduard Bal, Pawel Petasz