Isabella Oulton, Matthew Tyson
Imprints, Piégros-la-Clastre, 1991
printed in various colors, using rubber stamps on paper of various colors and weights. In cardboard flap folder, printed in black with rubber stamps. 30 x 20 cm
edition of 100 - Gottfried Honegger, Kim Lim, Yuko Shiraishi, Clough, Jerome Rothenberg, Farrer, John Carter, Peter Mayer, Maurizio Nannucci, William Turnbull.
1990-99 , artist book
Isabella Oulton, Matthew Tyson
Imprints, Piégros-la-Clastre, 1991
printed in various colors, using rubber stamps on paper of various colors and weights. In cardboard flap folder, printed in black with rubber stamps. 30 x 20 cm
edition of 100 - Gottfried Honegger, Kim Lim, Yuko Shiraishi, Clough, Jerome Rothenberg, Farrer, John Carter, Peter Mayer, Maurizio Nannucci, William Turnbull.
1990-99 , artist book
small press scene / documents of alternatives in the press
Maurizio Nannucci
Edizion Zona, Florence, 1976 ⁄ staple-bound ⁄ edition of 500 ⁄ - ⁄ a / ace space / after hand / agentzia / ah / air mail / aloes books / amenophis / amodulo / ana excetera / and / ant ed / ant farm / antipiugiù / apeiros / approches / aq / archigram / arc publications / artist press / art language / art net / art rite / asa / assembling press / azimuth / banana productions / bardo matrix / beau geste press / blocknoot / bo heem e um / catalist / cave / cisoria arte / clipkit / comunicazione / continuum / coum / da au delà / da vinci / de collage / der löwe / de tafelronde / dharma / documento sud / dreamweapon press / ear magazine / ecart publications / edges / ediciones mimbre / edition appa appa / edition et / edition galerie press / edizioni geiger / edition page / edition rot / el lagrimal trifurca / endlich was neues / errata / eter / eugen gomringer press / everyman / ex / exempla / exit news / expanded media editions / experimental art publisher / ex/press / fandangos / file / fix / flux fest information / futura / fylkingen records / ganglia press / giorno poetry system / gong / great bear pamphlet / guy schraenen & axe / harck / her(m)etic press / hexagono 71 / focke editions / iac publications / impulse / integration / interfunktionen / internationale situationniste / invencaõ / journeyman press / king kong international / klacto 23 / klepht / kontexts / kroklok / kwy / labris / la honduras / la mamelle / le daily bul / les lettres / l'humiditè / lilliput / linea sud / link / lotta poetica / magazine document / maro verlag / und / mark space / material / mec / mediacontact / media news / mildura arts centre / mix magazine / montagna rossa / ne coupez pas / neue texte / nitrous oxide / north / nul / oho / omnibus press / openings press / orgon / osiris / ou cinquieme saison / out loud / ovum / pages / parachute / perdura publications / pferscha / platform magazine / poetry information / ponto / pro / quaderno / queen street magazine / reflection press / review for everything / robho / rok / running dog press / schede / schema informazione / schritte/fietkau verlag / second aeon publications / sema / signal / silence / situacion / sonda / sotto voce / source / spanner / specimen / st. spusa / stereo headphone / strange faeces / subvers / supervision / tam tam / tarasque press / tau/ma / techne / television / text / the fox / the magazine / the new art examiner / the poor old tired horse / the wild hawthorn / tlaloc / tokyo publications / tool / tout / typewriter / ulcus molle info dienst / umdruck / unmuzzled ox / vargen / vers univers / vigo ediciones / vile / visual dialogue / vou / wam / wow / writers forum / wspolczesna / zaj / znamenja / Zona / 317 / 8x10 / 0 to 9 / blew ointment / digte for en daler / culture hero / extra / frankenstein / image nation / impressions / intermedia / is / kunstshoff / left curve / le petit colosse de simi / lisn / margins / mother / only paper today / praxis / prospects / snore / s.p.a. / the femminist art journal / typos verlag / tracks
Mèla: No. 2 Spring/Summer 1977
Maurizio Nannucci
Rosanna Barbiellini Amidei, Firenze, 1977 ⁄ folded sheet 100 x 70 cm (25 x 17 cm. closed) ⁄ edition of 500 ⁄ - ⁄ Dieter Roth, Arnulf Rainer, Jirí Kolár, Bernard Heidsieck, Franz Mon, Joseph Kosuth, Ian Hamilton Finlay and a.o.
Mèla: No. 3 Autumn/Winter 1978
Maurizio Nannucci
Rosanna Barbiellini Amidei, Firenze, 1978 ⁄ folded sheet 100 x 70 cm (25 x 17 cm. closed) ⁄ edition of 500 ⁄ - ⁄ On Kawara, Ben Vautier, Peter Downsbrough, Hans-Peter Feldmann, Alison Knowles, Lawrence Weiner, Heinz Gappmayr, and a.o.
Doc(k)s Special Post Card
Julien Blaine
Editions NèPE, 1978 ⁄ softcover ⁄ Martine Aballéa, Albrecht/d., Giovanni Anceschi, Angelo de Aquino, Toth Arpad, Attalai Gábor, Anna Banana, Mario Borillo, Joaquim Branco, Paulo Bruscky, José María Calleja, Maurizio Camerani, Ulises Carrion, Henri Chopin, Bob Cobbing, Robin Crozier, Daniel Daligand, Mario Diacono, Guillermo Deisler, Charles Dreyfus, Eric Elgherabli, Flavio Ermini, Leonhard Frank Duch, Bill Gaglione, Pierre Garnier, Jimmy Gladiator, Jorge Glusberg, Mathias Goeritz, Klaus Groh, Horst Hahn, Dick Higgins, Harry Hoogstraten, Jack Kéguenne, Jean Kéhayan, Richard Kostelanetz, Jonier Marín, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Jean Monod, Maurizio Nannucci, Giulia Niccolaï, Dámaso Ogaz, Pedro Osmar, Andrzej Partum, Romano Peli, Michèle Perfetti, Francisco Pino, Robert Rehdfeldt, Takako Saito, Sarenco, José Antonio Sarmiento, Guido Savio, Alain Schifres, Shohachiro Takahashi, Jean-Marie Le Sidaner, Falves Silva, Gianni-Emilio Simonetti, Adriano Spatola, Miroljub Todorović, Endre Tót, Janos Urban, Paul Vangelisti, Horacio Zabala, a.o.