• Maurizio Nannucci
  • small press scene / documents of alternatives in the press

  • Edizion Zona, Florence, 1976
  • staple-bound
  • edition of 500
    a / ace space / after hand / agentzia / ah / air mail / aloes books / amenophis / amodulo / ana excetera / and / ant ed / ant farm / antipiugiù / apeiros / approches / aq / archigram / arc publications / artist press / art language / art net / art rite / asa / assembling press / azimuth / banana productions / bardo matrix / beau geste press / blocknoot / bo heem e um / catalist / cave / cisoria arte / clipkit / comunicazione / continuum / coum / da au delà / da vinci / de collage / der löwe / de tafelronde / dharma / documento sud / dreamweapon press / ear magazine / ecart publications / edges / ediciones mimbre / edition appa appa / edition et / edition galerie press / edizioni geiger / edition page / edition rot / el lagrimal trifurca / endlich was neues / errata / eter / eugen gomringer press / everyman / ex / exempla / exit news / expanded media editions / experimental art publisher / ex/press / fandangos / file / fix / flux fest information / futura / fylkingen records / ganglia press / giorno poetry system / gong / great bear pamphlet / guy schraenen & axe / harck / her(m)etic press / hexagono 71 / focke editions / iac publications / impulse / integration / interfunktionen / internationale situationniste / invencaõ / journeyman press / king kong international / klacto 23 / klepht / kontexts / kroklok / kwy / labris / la honduras / la mamelle / le daily bul / les lettres / l'humiditè / lilliput / linea sud / link / lotta poetica / magazine document / maro verlag / und / mark space / material / mec / mediacontact / media news / mildura arts centre / mix magazine / montagna rossa / ne coupez pas / neue texte / nitrous oxide / north / nul / oho / omnibus press / openings press / orgon / osiris / ou cinquieme saison / out loud / ovum / pages / parachute / perdura publications / pferscha / platform magazine / poetry information / ponto / pro / quaderno / queen street magazine / reflection press / review for everything / robho / rok / running dog press / schede / schema informazione / schritte/fietkau verlag / second aeon publications / sema / signal / silence / situacion / sonda / sotto voce / source / spanner / specimen / st. spusa / stereo headphone / strange faeces / subvers / supervision / tam tam / tarasque press / tau/ma / techne / television / text / the fox / the magazine / the new art examiner / the poor old tired horse / the wild hawthorn / tlaloc / tokyo publications / tool / tout / typewriter / ulcus molle info dienst / umdruck / unmuzzled ox / vargen / vers univers / vigo ediciones / vile / visual dialogue / vou / wam / wow / writers forum / wspolczesna / zaj / znamenja / Zona / 317 / 8x10 / 0 to 9 / blew ointment / digte for en daler / culture hero / extra / frankenstein / image nation / impressions / intermedia / is / kunstshoff / left curve / le petit colosse de simi / lisn / margins / mother / only paper today / praxis / prospects / snore / s.p.a. / the femminist art journal / typos verlag / tracks

  • subject: 1970-79, catalog

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  • Maurizio Nannucci
  • small press scene / documents of alternatives in the press

  • Edizion Zona, Florence, 1976
  • staple-bound
  • edition of 500
    a / ace space / after hand / agentzia / ah / air mail / aloes books / amenophis / amodulo / ana excetera / and / ant ed / ant farm / antipiugiù / apeiros / approches / aq / archigram / arc publications / artist press / art language / art net / art rite / asa / assembling press / azimuth / banana productions / bardo matrix / beau geste press / blocknoot / bo heem e um / catalist / cave / cisoria arte / clipkit / comunicazione / continuum / coum / da au delà / da vinci / de collage / der löwe / de tafelronde / dharma / documento sud / dreamweapon press / ear magazine / ecart publications / edges / ediciones mimbre / edition appa appa / edition et / edition galerie press / edizioni geiger / edition page / edition rot / el lagrimal trifurca / endlich was neues / errata / eter / eugen gomringer press / everyman / ex / exempla / exit news / expanded media editions / experimental art publisher / ex/press / fandangos / file / fix / flux fest information / futura / fylkingen records / ganglia press / giorno poetry system / gong / great bear pamphlet / guy schraenen & axe / harck / her(m)etic press / hexagono 71 / focke editions / iac publications / impulse / integration / interfunktionen / internationale situationniste / invencaõ / journeyman press / king kong international / klacto 23 / klepht / kontexts / kroklok / kwy / labris / la honduras / la mamelle / le daily bul / les lettres / l'humiditè / lilliput / linea sud / link / lotta poetica / magazine document / maro verlag / und / mark space / material / mec / mediacontact / media news / mildura arts centre / mix magazine / montagna rossa / ne coupez pas / neue texte / nitrous oxide / north / nul / oho / omnibus press / openings press / orgon / osiris / ou cinquieme saison / out loud / ovum / pages / parachute / perdura publications / pferscha / platform magazine / poetry information / ponto / pro / quaderno / queen street magazine / reflection press / review for everything / robho / rok / running dog press / schede / schema informazione / schritte/fietkau verlag / second aeon publications / sema / signal / silence / situacion / sonda / sotto voce / source / spanner / specimen / st. spusa / stereo headphone / strange faeces / subvers / supervision / tam tam / tarasque press / tau/ma / techne / television / text / the fox / the magazine / the new art examiner / the poor old tired horse / the wild hawthorn / tlaloc / tokyo publications / tool / tout / typewriter / ulcus molle info dienst / umdruck / unmuzzled ox / vargen / vers univers / vigo ediciones / vile / visual dialogue / vou / wam / wow / writers forum / wspolczesna / zaj / znamenja / Zona / 317 / 8x10 / 0 to 9 / blew ointment / digte for en daler / culture hero / extra / frankenstein / image nation / impressions / intermedia / is / kunstshoff / left curve / le petit colosse de simi / lisn / margins / mother / only paper today / praxis / prospects / snore / s.p.a. / the femminist art journal / typos verlag / tracks

  • subject: 1970-79, catalog

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