- Takashi Homma
- Every Building on the Ginza Street
- LimArt, 2019
- soft cover, accodion binding with sleeve case
first edition of 500 copies (black and white)
special edition of 100 copies (color)
2010-19, artist book
- Takashi Homma
- Every Building on the Ginza Street
- LimArt, 2019
- soft cover, accodion binding with sleeve case
first edition of 500 copies (black and white)
special edition of 100 copies (color)
2010-19, artist book
- Cover Version [pound edition]
- Jonathan Monk, Seth Siegelaub
Book Works, 2004 ⁄ softcover ⁄ edition of 1000
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- Thirtyfour Parking Lots in the World
- Takashi Homma
Takashi Homma, 2015 ⁄ softcover ⁄ first edition of 240 ⁄ - ⁄ produce : Yusuke Nakajima, Yoshihisa Tanaka
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- Assembling: A Collection of Otherwise Unpublishable Manuscripts
- Richard Kostelanetz and Henry Korn
Assembling Press, 1970 ⁄ staple-bound ⁄ edition of 1000 ⁄ - ⁄ Arno Karlen, David Ignatow, Ed Ruscha, Elizabet Ginsberg, George Chambers, Guy Beste, Henry Korn, Lee Baxandall, Mad Dog, Madeline Gins, Marvin Cohen, Paul Friedman, Raymond Federman, Regina Cohen, Richard Kostelanetz, Robert Lax, Roni Hoffman, Rosalie Frank, Scott Hyde, Shusaku Arakawa, Tom Ahern, Vito Acconci, Wolfe Blotzer
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- Ricognizione 73: Nuove tendenze della grafica internazionale
- Italo Mussa, Enzo Cannaviello
Comune di Santa Maria Capua Vetere, 1973 ⁄ softcover ⁄ design: Francesco Villa
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