• Museum Langmatt, Baden – Stiftung Langmatt Sidney und Jenny Brown
  • Silvia Bächli, Markus Stegmann

  • Hatje Cantz, Berlin, 2023 ⁄ softcover

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  • KunstmuseumSt. Gallen 1989
  • Richard Long

  • KunstmuseumSt. Gallen, 1979 ⁄ exhibition poster, 61 x 42 cm

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  • Betty Parsons Gallery. February 15 – March 4, 1967
  • Richard Tuttle

  • Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, 1967 ⁄ exhibition poster

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  • Postkarten an Pablo Stähli
  • Hilar Stadler, Ralf Keller

  • Museum im Bellpark, Kriens, 2015 ⁄ hardcover ⁄ The postcards, shown on both sides, are by: Jean-Christophe Ammann, Jean-Christophe Ammann and Balthasar Burkhad, John M. Armleder, Joseph Beuys, Michael Buthe, Gianfredo Camesi, Luciano Castelli, Martin Disler, Peter Emch, Helmut Federle, Peter Fischli and David Weiss, Johannes Gachnang, Gilbert & George, Werner Hartmann, Erika Hess, Martin Hess, Pieter Holstein, Pierre Keller, Hans H. Kunz, Urs Lüthi, Mario Merz, Gérald Minkoff, Meret Oppenheim, Sigmar Polke, Georg Radanowicz, Markus Raetz, Dieter Roth, Hans Schärer, Philip Schibig, Hugo Suter, André Thomkons, Jan Voss, Aldo Walker, Tom Wasmuth, David Weiss, Rolf Winnewisser and Robert Wyss.

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  • Gorgona. Dokumente einer Idee/ Jugoslawien
  • Nena Dimitrijević

  • Städt. Museum Mönchengladbach, 1977 ⁄ softcover with german translation sheets ⁄ Dimitrije Bašičević-Mangelos, Miljenko Horvat, Marijan Jevšovar, Julije Knifer, Ivan Kožarić, Matko Meštrović, Radoslav Putar, Ðuro Seder, Josip Vaništa, Dieter Roth

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  • Gallery Anthony d’Offay
  • Richard Long

  • Gallery Anthony d'Offay, London, 1981 ⁄ exhibition poster, 76 x 51 cm

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  • Vergleiche technischer Konstruktionen 1971
  • Bernhard und Hilla Becher

  • Gegenverkehr e.V., Zentrum für aktuelle Kunst, Aachen, 1971 ⁄ staple-bound

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  • small press scene / documents of alternatives in the press
  • Maurizio Nannucci

  • Edizion Zona, Florence, 1976 ⁄ staple-bound ⁄ edition of 500 ⁄ - ⁄ a / ace space / after hand / agentzia / ah / air mail / aloes books / amenophis / amodulo / ana excetera / and / ant ed / ant farm / antipiugiù / apeiros / approches / aq / archigram / arc publications / artist press / art language / art net / art rite / asa / assembling press / azimuth / banana productions / bardo matrix / beau geste press / blocknoot / bo heem e um / catalist / cave / cisoria arte / clipkit / comunicazione / continuum / coum / da au delà / da vinci / de collage / der löwe / de tafelronde / dharma / documento sud / dreamweapon press / ear magazine / ecart publications / edges / ediciones mimbre / edition appa appa / edition et / edition galerie press / edizioni geiger / edition page / edition rot / el lagrimal trifurca / endlich was neues / errata / eter / eugen gomringer press / everyman / ex / exempla / exit news / expanded media editions / experimental art publisher / ex/press / fandangos / file / fix / flux fest information / futura / fylkingen records / ganglia press / giorno poetry system / gong / great bear pamphlet / guy schraenen & axe / harck / her(m)etic press / hexagono 71 / focke editions / iac publications / impulse / integration / interfunktionen / internationale situationniste / invencaõ / journeyman press / king kong international / klacto 23 / klepht / kontexts / kroklok / kwy / labris / la honduras / la mamelle / le daily bul / les lettres / l'humiditè / lilliput / linea sud / link / lotta poetica / magazine document / maro verlag / und / mark space / material / mec / mediacontact / media news / mildura arts centre / mix magazine / montagna rossa / ne coupez pas / neue texte / nitrous oxide / north / nul / oho / omnibus press / openings press / orgon / osiris / ou cinquieme saison / out loud / ovum / pages / parachute / perdura publications / pferscha / platform magazine / poetry information / ponto / pro / quaderno / queen street magazine / reflection press / review for everything / robho / rok / running dog press / schede / schema informazione / schritte/fietkau verlag / second aeon publications / sema / signal / silence / situacion / sonda / sotto voce / source / spanner / specimen / st. spusa / stereo headphone / strange faeces / subvers / supervision / tam tam / tarasque press / tau/ma / techne / television / text / the fox / the magazine / the new art examiner / the poor old tired horse / the wild hawthorn / tlaloc / tokyo publications / tool / tout / typewriter / ulcus molle info dienst / umdruck / unmuzzled ox / vargen / vers univers / vigo ediciones / vile / visual dialogue / vou / wam / wow / writers forum / wspolczesna / zaj / znamenja / Zona / 317 / 8x10 / 0 to 9 / blew ointment / digte for en daler / culture hero / extra / frankenstein / image nation / impressions / intermedia / is / kunstshoff / left curve / le petit colosse de simi / lisn / margins / mother / only paper today / praxis / prospects / snore / s.p.a. / the femminist art journal / typos verlag / tracks

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